Purrfectly Playful
A nickname leads co-workers down a beautifully messy path.
19K Words
Coworkers, dub con, pet play, tail plug
About the Writer
It's pretty obvious that both Lizzette and Erozetta are pseudonyms, but she has enjoyed a lifetime of writing stories of varying types. Her reading of erotica, however, has been lacking over the years, but this podcast is forcing her to address that! Her current passion is in blending elements that shouldn't work into something that does, hopefully.
​Liz finds erotica to be a great connection point between people and tries to work that humanity into her writing. She's great with character development and exploring the emotional connections that pull characters together, or drives them apart as the case may be. Her work can range from vibrant and joyful to dark and morose. She is a chaotic writer and tends to approach stories in an "anything can happen" kind of way.